Department of Islamic Economics and Banking
> Faculties


Abdoul Karim Diaw is currently the managing director of Al-Itqan Conseil et Formation en Finance Islamique (ACOFFIS), which is a consulting firm based in Senegal. He completed his PhD in Islamic finance at the International Centre for Education in Islamic Finance (INCEIF) where he used to be a teaching/research assistant. He holds a Postgraduate Diploma in Islamic Banking and Finance (International Islamic University Malaysia), a Master and Bachelor degrees in Mathematics (Cheikh Anta Diop University of Dakar-Senegal). He has also received a Brevet d'arabe litteral (Diploma in literal Arabic - Universite de la Sorbonne Nouvelle /France).
Dr Diaw has been published in refereed journals and has presented several papers at international conferences on Islamic finance.


Dr. Nissar Ahmad Yatoo completed a Ph.D. in Finance with specialization in Islamic Finance in the Department of Banking Technology at the Pondicherry University. During his Ph.D., he presented and published papers mostly in the area of Islamic finance. Dr. Nissar also attended and participated in various international conferences, workshops and refresher courses in the area of finance. He holds a Master of Finance and Control (MFC) from the Department of Business and Financial Studies, University of Kashmir; a Post Graduate Diploma in Statistics and Research Methodology (PGDSRM) from Department of Statistics, Pondicherry University; a B.Sc and a B.Ed from the University of Kashmir.
Dr. Nissar has an extensive coordinating and lecturing experience in the areas of accounting, banking and finance.


Dr. Shahriar M. Saadullah holds a Ph.D. in Accounting from the University of Memphis, USA. Currently, he is an assistant professor at the Qatar University, Qatar. Dr. Shahriar M. Saadullah contributed to many published articles and books, and held many conference presentations across the USA such as Do the "Big Five Personality Traits" affect the ethical intention formation of accountants? and The effects of second language on ethical judgment in accounting.


Dr Sutan Emir is an assistant professor and academic advisor for Islamic Banking and Finance at the University College of Bahrain (UCB). At the UCB, Dr. Hidayat is also a member of the Academic Research Committee (ARC) and Examination Committee (EC). He joined UCB in September 2007 after spending two academic years at the International Islamic College Malaysia (IIC) as the lecturer and subject coordinator for Islamic Finance courses. In addition, Dr. Hidayat is also a part time lecturer for Islamic Accounting Standards (AAOIFI) at the Centre of Islamic Finance, Bahrain Institute of Banking and Finance (BIBF). In BIBF, Dr. Hidayat also serves as a member of the advisory committee for the Centre of Islamic Finance and External Research Associates.
Dr. Hidayat obtained both his PhD in Islamic Banking and Finance in 2013 and his MBA in Islamic Banking and Finance in 2005 both from the International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM). Dr. Hidayat is actively engaged with academic research in his field. He has presented several papers at international conferences held by the Islamic Research and Training Institute (IRTI) of the Islamic Development Bank (IDB) (2007, 2008, 2011), Qatar Foundation (2011), AAOIFI - World Bank Annual Conference on Islamic Banking and Finance (2011 and 2012), GRM 2012 at University of Cambridge, UK and other reputable conferences. In 2014, one of his co-authored research papers was accepted for presentation at the 11th University Forum on Islamic Finance which was held on April 25-27, 2014 at Harvard Law School, Massachusetts, the USA. Dr. Hidayat also writes articles that regularly appear in the Islamic Finance News (IFN-Red Money), and one of his articles was also published in the Global Islamic Finance Magazine, UK and The Bahrain Banker (Winter 2012). He is also a sector correspondent for Takaful and Retakaful, IFN (Red Money).
Dr. Hidayat has published several research papers in peer reviewed international journals. Among them are the Journal of Economics and Finance, CCSE, the International Research Journal of Finance and Economics, the International SAMANM Journal of Finance and Accounting, the Journal of US-China Public Administration, the Journal of Pedagogical and Innovations and other reputable journals. In addition, he is also a reviewer for the International Journal of Islamic and Middle Eastern Finance and Management, Emerald Publishing Ltd, UK and a member of the editorial board of SAMANM Group research publications.
During his academic career, he also contributed chapters to three books entitled "Issues in Islamic Management: Theories and Practices" (IIUM Press, 2011), "Muhammadiyah dan tantangan abad baru" (Matan press, KL, 2010) and "Islamic Capital Markets, Products, Regulation and Development" (IRTI-IDB, 2008). He has also contributed articles to reputable Indonesian newspapers. During his stay in Bahrain, Dr. Hidayat managed to completely supervise 8 MBA theses and 5 graduation projects (NYIT-Bahrain) and examined 5 MBA theses and 3 graduation projects both as an Internal and external examiners.
In early 2013, Dr. Hidayat was contributed to developing examination questions for CIPA professional certificates offered by the Accounting and Auditing Organization for Islamic Financial Institutions (AAOIFI). In addition, he also worked with the External Validation Committee for Advanced Diploma in Islamic Commercial Jurisprudence at BIBF. Furthermore, he is an active member of the Indonesian community serving as the Vice-President of Indonesian Community in Bahrain (Nov 2012-Oct20013) and a commissioner of the special task force for the 2014 Indonesian general election to be held in Bahrain. He also teaches part time at the Islamic Online University (IOU) and the New York Institute of Technology (NYIT)-Bahrain. Lastly, He is currently the chairman for the Association of Indonesian Islamic Economists (IAEI)-Bahrain Chapter.
Sr. Sara holds an MA in Economics from the University of Punjab and M.Phil in Economics from the Federal Urdu University of Arts, Science and Technology, Islamabad. She has an extensive research experience. She worked as a research analyst for an Italian government funded project and as an activities officer assisting HANDS in education and training of public in dealing with earthquakes and other disasters. Sr. Sara is currently pursuing a PhD in Economics.


Alieu Gibba, is a Gambian by nationality and a full-time lecturer in the School of Business & Public Administration, Department of Economics and Management Sciences, The University of The Gambia.
A born Muslim and currently blessed with two children, he has devoted much time in seeking of both Islamic and conventional knowledge. After the completion of his master's degree in the field of Agricultural Economics, from Taiwan's most prestigious and comprehensive university, National Taiwan University, he has devoted his time to Da'wah and presenting Islamic Lectures in The Gambia and beyond.


Edo Omercevic has gone through more than a decade of training in economics and finance. He started his tertiary education at the International Islamic University in Malaysia where he obtained his Bachelor in Economics (Hons) as well as his Master of Economics degree.
He is currently a Ph.D. in Economics candidate at the International University of Sarajevo. His interest and specialization lies in the field of money and banking, with special reference to complementary and alternative currencies and monetary systems.
Mr Omercevic is presently a lecturer at the American University in Bosnia and Herzegovina and he is a co-founder of the Center for Advancement of Free Enterprise (Centar za poslovnu afirmaciju) that is promoting free market ideas in the region
Born in Bangladesh,Fatema Zohora completed her Bachelor in Business Administration from North South University, Dhaka, Bangladesh. Then she migrated to USA for her higher education and completed Master's degree in Finance in 2008 and earned an MBA in 2010 from Texas A & M University-Commerce. After completing her Master's she came back to Bangladesh and became a Lecturer in the Business School at North South University. She taught entry level Management and Finance courses while there. After working about a year in Bangladesh she migrated to Canada with her husband in 2011. She worked as a Contractual Financial Analyst in Hudson Bay, Toronto at Canadian Tire, Toronto for few months.
Currently she prefers teaching as her ultimate career and is working towards Canadian Colleges. In the near future her plan is to pursue a PhD in Business Administration and to become a Business Professor, and while gaining more knowledge about Islam. She hopes to engage in dawah and fulfill charity work in the name of Islam
Kashfia Nehrin holds an MA in Advance Economics from the International Islamic University of Malaysia and an MA in Economics from the University of Windsor, Ontario, Canada. She has an extensive teaching experience as a lecturer of Business and Economics at various academic institutions in Malaysia and Saudi Arabia. She was a faculty member of the Business Administration Department at Prince Sultan University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. She is also an expert in teaching Economics and Business for GCE (General Certificate of Education) and IGCSE (International General Certificate of Secondary Education) & AS/A (Advance Subsidiary and Advance) Level. Kashfia received various awards for her teaching excellence. She attended many local and international conferences on business and Islamic economics


Abu Yahya Mansoor Danish has an 8 years work experience in the financial services sector. His longest stint was with HSBC Bank where he won several accolades for his performance. In 2012, he took a break from his work life to pursue higher studies and did his MBA from the prestigious Globsyn Business School, Kolkata. At GBS, he won the Best Speaker award in 2013 and in the same year was conferred with the title ‘Best Manager‘ by India‘s oldest and most reputable business school-IISWBM amidst competition from participants representing XLRI Jamshedpur and IIM Kolkata. His dissertation is on Conventional Banking and Islamic Banking which he has undertaken under Professor Dr. Prithwiraj Banerjee.
In addition to the above, he is a Lecturer and Supervisor- Islamic Banking & Economics Department at Islamic Online University and received his public speaking and da‘wah skills training under Shaykh Arshad Basheer Madani (AskIslampedia) and Brother Ateeq Ahmed, a student of Dr. Zakir Naik.
Mansoor is actively involved in Islamic activities and is a consultant to Iqra International School, Bangalore. He is an active proponent of organizations adopting an Islamic Social Responsibility model or the ISR model (much like the CSR or Corporate Social Responsibility) focusing on relentless social service and creating a platform for doing da‘wah. His lectures focus on our Muslim youth, he discusses youth issues and how young muslims can develop proper Islamic etiquette. He also conducts a unique workshop entitled ‘Heroes of Islam‘ that focuses on motivating the youth and helping them find a good role model. This is a series of workshop which also focuses on building eeman and making a Muslim feel proud of his identity. Mansoor was recently awarded with a ‘Certificate of Appreciation‘ for his da‘wah pursuits by the Ministry of Islamic Affairs and Charitable Distribution, Dubai.
Salimah Musharrif holds an MA in Economics and a BCom from the DHA College; CIE Professional Development Course for Economics certificate; and a Diploma on Teachers’ Training Course at the Notredame Institute of Education (NDIE). Sister Salimah conducted various teachers’ training programs on academic and computer skills; and participated in the training program of the Institute of Banking, Finance and Industry (IBFI), a project of the Resource Development Foundation (R.D.F.). Sister Salimah has an extensive public and private teaching experience of various subjects such Commerce, Economics, Business Studies, Management, Statistics and Finance.
Sawaneh Banna holds an MA in International Business from the The Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft, Berlin, Germany; and a B.Sc. in Management and Marketing from the University of The Gambia, The Gambia.
Br. Sawaneh holds many certificates from various trainings:
- Training on the Empirics of Trade and Trade Policy;
- Training on Project Planning, Management & Evaluation;
- Training on Gender-Responsive Economic Policy Management;
- Training of Trainers on Training Skills in Management and Public Administration;
- Training on Instructional Design for Open, Distance & E-Learning;
- Management Consultancy and Research Skills Training;
- Adapted Computer Use and Dolphin Pen Training; and
- Public Administration, Leadership and Management Training.
He has an extensive lecturing, teaching, translating, marketing, consultancy, managerial and supervisory experience. Br. Sawaneh participated in policy design and formulation of the government of The Gambia. He also co-authored a published book “The Report on NGOs’ Performance Standards (volume 1)”. He is a member of the Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa (CODESRIA), the United Nations African Institute for Economic Development and Planning (UNIDEP), and the UNCTAD (United Nations Conference on Trade and Development) Virtual Institute. Br. Sawaneh is currently lecturing at the Department of Economic and Management Science, University of The Gambia.