Department of Islamic studies
> Faculties


DR. ABU AMEENAH BILAL PHILIPS is a Jamaican – Canadian Islamic scholar who converted to Islam in 1972. He completed a BA from the Islamic University of Medina, an M.A. from King Saud University in Riyadh, and a PhD in Islamic Theology from the University of Wales, UK (1994).
Dr Bilal spent ten years teaching Islamic studies in an Islamic high school in Riyadh, and another 18 years lecturing in Arabic and Islamic studies in the American University in Dubai, UAE, the Islamic Studies Academy in Doha, Qatar, Knowledge International University of Riyadh, and Preston International College, Chennai, India.
Dr Bilal Philips has written, translated and commented on over 50 published books on various Islamic topics and presented Islamic programs on Riyadh Channel 2TV, Sharjah TV, Peace TV, Huda TV, Islam Channel, UK, and the Deen Show, Chicago, USA and GuideUS TV, from Washington USA.
But perhaps his greatest achievement, and the one for which he was listed in the Jordanian publication, among “The 500 Most Influential Muslims”, is his historic founding of the mega-university, the Islamic Online University, which has in only 7 years since its inception over 270,000 students registered from 228 different country around the world!
He has written, translated and commented on over 50 published books on various Islamic topics, as well as edited and published the 56-book Eemaan reading series for children. He has also presented Islamic programs for many years on; Riyadh Channel 2 TV, Sharjah TV, Peace TV, Huda TV, Islam Channel, and the Deen Show.
1980 – 1990: Taught Arabic and Islamic Studies at Manaret Riyadh Secondary School in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
1986: Began the first translation of the Friday Sermon into English in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia at the Mosque of Dr Abdur Rahman Al-Luwaihiq.
1988: Participated in the establishment of the first Islamic Center in Bat’ha, Riyadh, and his book “The True Religion of God”, was among the first books used to propagate Islam among foreign workers.
1989: Published my first books: Polygamy in Islam, The Devils Deception, The Mirage in Iran, Khomeini: Moderate or Fanatical Shi’ite
1990: Published Islamic Studies Book 1, The Fundamentals of Tawheed, and The Evolution of Fiqh.
1991-2: Led a team of Islamic propagators which converted over 3,000 American soldiers in Khobar, Saudia Arabia, after the 1st Gulf War.
1993 – 2003: Taught Arabic and Islamic Studies at the American University in Dubai.
1993 – 2003: Set up and ran the first Islamic Center in the UAE for Dar al – Birr Charity, in Dubai.
2001: Established the first Friday sermon (Khutbah) in English in the UAE, at Qasbah Mosque, Sharjah, UAE.
1993 – 2002: Set up and ran the English Department of Dar al Fatah Islamic Press, in Sharjah, UAE. Published more than 80 books.
2001 – 2004: Dr Bilal established and headed the faculty of Islamic Studies at Preston University Ajman, UAE, and lectured in the University of Ajman.
2003 – 2010: Consulted for and lectured at the Qatar Guest Center of Sh Eid Al Thani Charity, Doha, Qatar
2007 – Present: Launched and headed the Islamic Online University (IOU) Free Islamic Studies Diploma, online from Doha, Qatar.
2007 – 2011: Established and was Dean of the Islamic Studies Academy, affiliated with Omdurman Islamic University, Omdurman, Sudan.
2008 – 2009: Established and lectured in the English Islamic Studies section of Knowledge International University founded by Sh. Dr. Sa’d Al Shithri.
2009 – 2010: Director of PERF, and as Supervising Director he founded the first Islamic University in India “Preston International College (” and along with it, Al-Fajr International School (, in Chennai, India.
2010 – Present: Launched the BAIS (Bachelors of Arts in Islamic Studies) online. Affiliated IOU with Wishes University, Davao, Philippines.
2011: Affiliated IOU with Muhamadiyyah University, Sukabumi, Indonesia
2012: Established the first office of IOU in Hargeisa, Somaliland, and obtained accreditation for IOU from the Ministry of Education of Somaliland. Ranked among the 500 most influential Muslims in the world
2013: Established the first learning Center for IOU in the Gambia and launched the IEC (Intensive English Course) for madrasah graduates as a bridge to IOU’s BAIS.
2014: Obtained accreditation for IOU from the Ministry of Education of Somalia, Mogadeshu.
2014 – Present: Launched the Bachelors of Arts in Education and Islamic Banking and Finance, and the Bachelors of Science in Psychology at IOU.
2015 - Present: Launched the Bachelors of Science in Business Administration and Information Technology. Also launched the Masters of Arts in Islamic Studies (MAIS). Obtained degree recognition and a license for operation for IOU in the Gambia. Launched the IEC in Somaliland in collaboration with the government. Established an IOU Learning Center in Sierra Leone.
2016: Established the official headquarters on the ground for IOU in Banjul, Gambia. Established an IOU a Learning Center and obtained provisional accreditation from the NCHE of Malawi, East Africa. Established an IOU Learning Center in Luzon, Philippines.
2017: Established an IOU Learning Center in Marawi City, Mindanao, Philippines.


Dr. Daud Abdullah was born in Grenada where he received his early education. He obtained his first degree from the University of Guyana in 1981, and was awarded a scholarship to study Arabic language at King Saud University in Saudi Arabia. In 1984 he joined the University of Khartoum, Sudan to pursue postgraduate studies and was awarded his doctorate in 1989.
He has written and translated several works on Islam, and his last post in Saudi Arabia was as editor and translator at the Abul Qasim Publishing House in Jeddah.
At present he lectures in Islamic Studies at Birkbeck College, University of London. He is also a khateeb at Masjid an Noor in west London, and the Deputy Secretary General of the Muslim Council of Britain.


Dr Ebraheem Dawy is from Egypt. In 2003 he obtained a Master’s Degree from the Faculty of Arts at Menofia University, Egypt. He then went on to study at Ain Shams University where he gained his PhD from the Arabic Department of the Faculty of Arts in 2008.
He is an Arabic teacher for the Ministry of Education, as well as a faculty member of the University of Netherlands which teaches Arabic online.


Having graduated from four countries (Pakistan, Japan, Holland and UK) and worked in two continents (Asia and Europe), Dr Ahsan is a distinguished research scholar. Presently based in England, he has over two and half decades' experience of research, teaching and training in various capacities. In the fields of education, development studies and globalisation, his research has gained international recognition.
In addition to authoring several books, Dr Ahsan has produced a large number of reports and research papers published in various refereed international journals. He has extensively travelled and delivered a large number of lectures in various international conferences and seminars. He has also delivered numerous lectures and online training on academic research, writing and publishing.
His most recent publication is: Academic Research, Writing and Publishing - A Practical Handbook for PhD Students and Academic Researchers. In addition to his multi-dimensional academic and professional background, one of Dr Ahsan's research focuses has also been on issues related to international political economy, human (under-)development and human (in-)security in the contemporary Muslim World. His thoughts have influenced in fixing priorities and directions for the Muslim World. His research has also been a part of the curricula of various universities around the world.


Dr. Muhammad Anwar Sahib Almadani was born in Fiji and spent part of his life also studying there. At the age of 14 he went to the Islamic University of Madeenah to study the Arabic language course. He continued to study in the high school of the University which he graduated from in 1985, and then furthered his study in the Faculty of Islamic Creed and Dawah. In 1989 he earned his B.A from this faculty, as well as acquired a special certificate in Dawah. After enrolling in the Faculty of Quran he gained a Masters qualification in 1994, and then a doctorate in Quran exegesis in 1999.
He has presented Islamic programs on Voice of Islam, New Zealand and various radio channels as well as delivered lectures in various topics mostly in New Zealand, but also in Saudi Arabia, USA, Australia, Fiji, Malaysia, India, Qatar, Papua New Guinea, and Solomon Islands. He has also written books in Arabic and English that are yet to be published.
Additionally, he is a founding member and chairman of At-Taqwa Trust, Auckland, New Zealand. His current roles include that of Imaam, Khateeb and religious advisor. He is also the Secretary for the Ulama Board of New Zealand and advisor for halal issues to the NZ government.
Md. Hossain successfully memorized the noble Qur’an at a very tender age. He attended an international competition for the huffaz in Egypt as a representative of Bangladesh in 1994 and in 1998.
Md. Hossain passed his Dakhil examination from Tahfizul Quranil Karim Fajil degree Madrasa in 2001 and his Alim examination from the same madrasa in 2003.
He received his ijaza in Hafs from Masjid Nabawi in Madina Munawwarah.
Md. Hossain graduated in Islamic Studies from the Islamic University of Madinah Al-Munawwarah in Madinah in 2010-11, and completed his MA in the same subject from the Bangladesh Islamic University in 2012-13.
While in Madinah, Saudi Arabia, he worked as a teacher of the Noble Qur’an at the Masjid Nabawi from 20 April 2008 to 24 May 2011.


Br. Sameh Lotfy obtained his BA from the University of Al Azhar. He memorized the Qur‘an along with the rules of recitation by the age of 8. He was an imam of masjids in Egypt and Saudi Arabia. He was a teacher of the Qur‘an and tajweed rules. He participated in the first stage of the Competition of Laylat Al Qadr, the Competition of the Grand Imam of Al Azhar and in the advanced stage of the National Competition of Egypt. Br. Sameh currently works as a web publisher and as a teaching assistant of the Holy Qur‘an and His Science at the University of Al Azhar Al Shareef, Faculty of Islamic Sciences for International Students, eLearning Program.
Um Khadeegah is an Egyptian pharmacist who graduated from Cairo University in 2002 and then obtained a clinical diploma from Ein-Shams University .She also passed ICDL, preparatory TOEFL courses and many other courses in QA, GMP and statistical analysis. She started studying Tajweed at the Arrahmah center for the Noble Quran memorization with Tajweed in Cairo in the year 2003 and completed it in 2005 with the theoretical Tajweed courses in this period. She then went to the Khatemah level and finished the memorization at the year 2008 and started teaching Quran and Tajweed rules at the Quran Center for Arab and non-Arab students in KSA. She also passed the Alqayedah Annouraneyah and has taught non-Arabs since then in Ijazah
Um Khadeegah is an Egyptian pharmacist who graduated from Cairo University in 2002 and then obtained a clinical diploma from Ein-Shams University .She also passed ICDL, preparatory TOEFL courses and many other courses in QA, GMP and statistical analysis. She started studying Tajweed at the Arrahmah center for the Noble Quran memorization with Tajweed in Cairo in the year 2003 and completed it in 2005 with the theoretical Tajweed courses in this period. She then went to the Khatemah level and finished the memorization at the year 2008 and started teaching Quran and Tajweed rules at the Quran Center for Arab and non-Arab students in KSA. She also passed the Alqayedah Annouraneyah and has taught non-Arabs since then in Ijazah
Dr. Hassan S. Rasheed is a PhD candidate in Computer Engineering from the University of Florida, U.S.A. Currently, he is an assistant professor and information security specialist at the College of Computing and Deanship of IT, Taif University, K.S.A. Various journals published his articles such as Data and Infrastructure Security Auditing in Cloud Computing Environment, or Performance Implications of Internet Based Information Technology in Value Chain Management.


Dr. Mohammad Monzur-E-Elahi has PhD in Islamic Shariah with specialization in Usulul Fiqh from Islamic University of Madinah, K.S.A. Currently, he is an assistant professor of Department of Islamic Studies at National University of Bangladesh, Gazipur. Many of Dr. Monzur-E-Elahi articles and books were published such as Analogical Reasoning in Islamic Worship, Islamic Rulings on Bribery, An Introduction to the Objectives of Islamic Law, and others.
Ayesha Muhammad Basheer is from Islamabad, Islamic Republic of Pakistan. She completed her basic Islamic and Arabic education from the Institute of Arabic Language, in Pakistan. She earned a bachelor's degree from the University of the Punjab, Pakistan. In 2008 she completed her M-Phil degree in Hadeeth & Its Sciences with distinction from the Department of Hadeeth, Faculty of Usulud Din, International Islamic University in Islamabad Pakistan.
She is currently pursuing her doctorate in Hadeeth & Sciences of Hadeeth from IIUI Pakistan where she worked as part time visiting faculty member from 2006 to 2013. In 2014 she joined Islamic Online University as an instructor.


Dr. Uvais Ahmed Qidwai attained his Bachelor of Science degree in 1994 from the NED University of Engineering and Technology in Pakistan. He completed his Master’s degree in 1997 at the King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals in Saudi Arabia, and in 2001 completed his Ph.D(EE) from the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth in the USA.
He was the Assistant Professor for the EECS Department at Tulane University from 2001 to 2005. He was also a Part Time Visiting Lecturer for the University of Massachusetts, and a Senior Design Supervisor at King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals.
He is an Associate Professor of Computer Engineering in the Computer Science & Engineering Department at Qatar University, and has been there since 2005


Riaz Ansary was born in Kabul, Afghanistan, and accepted Islam in 1979. He graduated from the College of Sharee'ah at the Islamic University of Madeenah in 1993. He completed his master's degree in Usool al-fiqh at the International Islamic University of Malaysia.
In 1997 he moved to the UAE where he worked as a translator and editor with Dr Bilal Philips, and then as a teacher of Arabic and Islamic studies at the New Muslim Center of Sharjah. He has appeared frequently as a guest on Sharjah TV’s “Discover Islam Series”, then hosted a show by the same name on the Iqra satellite channel, as well as also appearing on Peace TV. He has translated a number of Arabic books into English, including biographies of the companion Adee ibn Haatim, the scholar of hadeeth Aboo Daawood al-Sijistaanee, and Muhammad Hamidullah's compilation Political Documents of the Prophet (pbuh). He is also the author of the book- A Search for Happiness, published by Dar ul-Huda in Chennai, India.
Dr. Riaz is currently in Malaysia pursuing a Ph.D. at the International Institute of Islamic Thought and Civilization.


Yosof Wanly is a PhD candidate in the Sciences of Hadith (Ulum ul Hadith). He holds an MA in the Sciences of Hadith, and a BA in general Islamic Studies with an emphasis on the Sciences of Hadith from the Al-Madinah International University, and a BcS in Public Health: Health Management and Policy from Oregon State University. Furthermore, he holds a Master of Theology in Islamic Studies from Graduate Theological Foundation.
He traveled extensively in search of knowledge and wisdom, and as a researcher, he authored many scholastic works such as The Explanation of Narrations, A Philosophical Observations on God - An Islamic Perspective, Insightful Dreams of the Prophetic Realm, The chain of Narrations and Traveling in its Search, The Authentic Compilation of the Sunnah, The Fabricated Narrations, The two signs: Contradiction and Individual Isolation, The Creed of the "Ashaira" in the Names and Attributes of God, The Theory of Abrogation in the Quran, and The Rulings of the Quran by the Qadi Ismael al-Maliki.
Prof. Wanly memorized Quran with different ijazat in its memorization and recitation methods. Furthermore, he has a number of Ijazaat in Prophetic traditions including ijaza in Isnad (chain of transmission). He has studied numerous respected ahadith of the Prophet Muhammad with memorization of chain of transmitters, scholarly statements, plentiful historical Islamic accords and their dates, and ample scholarly poetry.
Prof.Wanly spent a considerable amount of time studying classical Islamic works in an organized fashion such as: Sahih Bukhari, Sahih Muslim, Sunan Abu Dawud, Sunan at-Tirmithi, Muwata Imam Malik, Adab ul Mufrad, Bulugh ul Maram, Tafsir ul Qurtubi,Tafsir ibn Kathir, Bidaya wa Nihaya, Al-Istithkaar for Umar bin Abdul Bar, Seyar a`lam un-nubala and others.
Currently, he is a Professor with Al-Huda University (USA), is a Khateeb and Imam of various Mosques, and is further pursuing a Doctor of Philosophy in Islamic Studies with the Graduate Theological Foundation; an educational system involved with Oxford University.
Hunain Aijaz started his career in the Islamic Online University as a volunteer in 2008. He was the course creator and facilitator of various courses of the free Diploma section from 2008 to 2010.
He was appointed as the BAIS coordinator in February 2010 and later promoted to be the academic coordinator of the entire institution.
As an academic coordinator, Hunain Aijaz is primarily responsible for providing administrative support and planning required for the operation of the university's academic programs and services, providing training support for the new employees at all levels and liaising with the academic staff with respect to any academic issues.
He graduated from the University of Karachi in 2010 and majored in: Islamic Studies, Islamic History, and Political Science.
He completed his Masters in Islamic History also from the University of Karachi in 2013 and his majored subjects are:
Muslim Revivalist MovementsHistory of Muslim Jurisprudence
Muslim Political Thought
Islamic Historiography
Islamic Civilization and Culture
Apart from having knowledge of various Islamic subjects, Brother Hunain Aijaz holds an extensive experience and knowledge of online education, academic affairs, student support, LMS and system development, etc.
In March 2014, Brother Hunain Aijaz was awarded Star Award for Excellent Academic for preparation of Spring 2014 semester at the Islamic Online University by the vice chancellor, Sameer Khan.


Khalid Mahamad received a Master of Science in Education and credited with an Ontario Teaching License and a New York State Teaching License. He has obtained an international TEFL license, certifying him to teach English as a foreign language to English Language Learners. He has previously been employed by the Waterloo Region District School Board and Abu Dhabi Education Council. Beyond these school boards, he has extensive experience within the private sector of education. Within the Greater Toronto Area he was entrusted to overlook the implementation of curriculum and modify curriculum to suit Muslim learners.


M. Abdussalam obtained a Bachelor's degree from the Islamic University of Madeenah in Saudi Arabia, and then went on to achieve a Master's degree in 1996 from the same University.
He has participated in the project of translation of Kutbus Sittah in English which was sponsored and published by Darus Salam, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. His translated works in Urdu have been published in Saudi Arabia and India, as well as his research papers that are published in monthly magazines. He was a regular Khateeb (in Arabic) at a mosque in Doha, Qatar from 1999-2009.
He is the Head of Department of Islamic Studies at Preston International College in Chennai. He is also involved in Dawah activities across many Islamic centres in the Gulf and India. He often serves as a lecturer, guest speaker, or consultant.
Muhammad Ashraf Petersen is from the beautiful city of Cape Town. After completing his schooling in South Africa he went travelling abroad in pursuit of knowledge. His first stop in his quest for knowledge was then known as the Arab Social Republic of Libya from where he did a diploma in Arabic. Thereafter he had the privileged of moving on to the renowned Al Azhar University where he completed the Al Azhar secondary school. After completing Al Azhar Secondary school, it was his dream come true when he got accepted at the prestige Islamic University of Madina. At the Islamic University of Madina he completed a Arabic diploma before he entered the facility of Shariah and graduated with a BA degree. After that he did a higher diploma in Qadaa wa Siya'sa as'Shariya at the same university.
Currently he os a second year masters degree student at the Islamic University of Madina majoring in comparative jurisprudence.


Shafiq Flynn has a Masters degree in Usul al Deen.
He is part of the SLEU (Student Learning Enhancement Unit) which functions to assist students in their academic pursuit for excellence. He designed and conducted a training camp aimed at endowing students with the right balance of life and academic skills. This was within an all-embracing framework of spirituality so that routines at home and university are seen as being part of a wholesome and holistic life that enriches all of the body, mind, and spirit.
He is currently pursuing a PhD on the study of certain aspects of Ibn Taymiyyah's thoughts with a view to presenting its’ significance in relation to contemporary Muslim thought.


Tauheed-ullah Siddiqui holds a BA and LL.B. in Sharia and Law from the International Islamic University Islamabad, and an MA in Corporate Law and Islamic Law from the University of Karachi. He has extensive teaching and lecturing experience in various institutions in Pakistan, UAE, Saudi Arabia and Qatar. Brother Tauheed-ullah is currently teaching Business Law and Taxation at the Szabist Karachi campus, Pakistan Studies and Islamic Studies at the Hadmdard University, and Pakistan Studies and World History course at Generation’s.


Laja Yasini began his studies of Islam at the age of 7 at the local madrasah in Gweru Zimbabwe where he later became an Imam. In 2002, he was accepted to study at the main Darool Uloom in Zimbabwe: Darool Uloom Waterfalls.
In 2005, he received a scholarship to continue his studies at the Islamic University of Madinah where he obtained a Diploma in Arabic, Thaanawiya certificate and a Bachelor’s Degree in Sharia.
He is active in da’wah both locally and internationally. He is a site operator for an online da’wah website (, head of the Da’wah Department of the Islamic Information Services of Zimbabwe, chairman for Gabriel of Hope Da’wah Foundation, Imaam and khateeb for the Zeenatoel Islam Masjid in Bulawayo Zimbabwe, and a member of the Bulawayo Muslim Association.
Currently, he is pursuing his L.L.B Degree (Bachelor of Laws) at the University of South Africa while furthering his Sharia degree with a Master’s Degree in Islamic Studies (I.O.U).


Luqman Plato hails from the shores of Cape Town, South Africa. He always had a sense of enthusiasm to study the religion of Islam. After completing his secondary education, he furthered his studies at the Darul Arqam Institute, where he learnt basic Islamic Studies and Arabic; it was at that point in time, he developed a love for the Arabic Language.
He studied at the Islamic University of Madina, completing the two-year Arabic diploma course, and thereafter graduated from the Faculty of Arabic Language in 2012.
He is currently an Arabic Instructor for the Ummul Qura Institute in Cape Town, and conducts classes in Fiqh, Hadeeth, Qur’Än Reading and Tafseer at various schools.
He is also a Khateeb and is well known for reciting the Qur’Än at mosques all around the Cape.


Yusuf Gassiep (Abu Hamza) was born in 1981 and raised in Manenberg on the Cape Flats. After completing high school he performed Hajj in 1999 and then travelled to Egypt to meet up with his hifth teacher from Cape Town who at the time was also in Egypt pursuing higher studies. It was in the dusty city of Cairo where he spent the following 9 years of his life enrolled at the Al Azhar Institute and later majored in Hadith at the Al Azhar University’s faculty of Usoolu Deen. He attended the classes of many of the Ulamah in cairo at the various mosques of Jamaat Ansaru Sunah Al Muhamadeyah. Some of his teachers are Dr Mohammed Yousri, Sheikh Shareef Husain Abdul Qadir, Sheikh Tariq ibn Iwadullah, Sheikh Osama Sulaiman ,and Dr Omar Abdul Azeez .He also attended the monthly lectures of Sheikh Mustafa Al Adawi.
He had the opportunity of attending the lectures of Sheikh Safwat Nurudeen (rahimahu ALLAH) , Sheikh Abi Ishaq Al Huwaini and Sheikh Mohammed Hassan whenever they visited Cairo.
He also completed the Fajr Centre Arabic courses and pursued the Khitaba course offered by the Fajr Centre. One of the first books he ever bought as a student of knowledge was Sheikh ibn Uthaymeen’s (rahimahu ALLAH) Explanation of Al Aqeedah Al Wasitiyah and since then he developed a great love for Sheikh ibn Uthaymeens work's.
On his return to South Africa in 2008, he was offered a post as an English teacher in Buraidah Saudi Arabia. He then travelled to Saudi Arabia and worked there till January 2011. During his stay there he was involved with the Buraidah Dawa Centre and was a Hajj guide for new Muslims.
In 2011 he became the first Imam of the Town Centre Mosque in Cape Town South Africa. Currently, he is an instructor at the Al huda foundation which offers short courses on various topics.