This course covers the economic foundations of Islam, including the contemporary issues regarding finance and banking.
The course will examine the nature and history of money, its role as well as that of the financial system in the economy; The course will cover interest rates and profit rates in the Islamic banking industry; financial institutions, including current innovations in the banking system and the supervision and regulation of banks by the government; selected elements of macroeconomics, including a discussion of international economics and the importance of exchange rates; and monetary policy, including alternative understandings of interest rates, as well as alternative monetary systems.
This course covers ‘The Principles of Economics’ which includes both the Principles of Microeconomics and Macroeconomics. Clearly, those who understand economic principles (together with the principles of Islamic Economics) will have a distinct advantage in making sense of the economy and successfully participating in it.
Accounting is often referred to as the language of business. The purpose of accounting is to provide meaningful financial information to individuals and institutions that have an interest in business, whether they are investors, creditors or managers. Intelligent investors seek out financial information on companies to make more informed investment decisions. It is a company’s accounting system that creates and provides the information used by investors. Business managers likewise need information produced through accounting in making the day-to-day operational decisions that improve a company’s performance and profitability. If you hope to become a successful investor or manager or simply want a better understanding of your own financial situation, you will need to understand accounting information to improve your decision-making.
This is an introductory course in finance that describes the fundamental financial principles that govern the ethical behavior of business in the pursuit of sustainable competitive advantage. The topics covered encompass study of financial objectives of business enterprise, financial statements analysis, time value of money, risks and returns and capital budgeting. At the end, this course also introduces the principles of Islamic financial system.
This course is comprised of a study of fundamental issues in management when management is viewed from an Islamic perspective. This new perspective will be addressed as an emerging discipline.
This course is comprised of a study of the fundamental topics for business and economics mathematics. The basics and essential Mathematical terms, definitions, and problems will be taught from both fields of Economics and Business.
Mathematics a problem for many student is nowadays used much in higher studies and professional levels too. So this small effort will help Business and Economics students to amalgamate these fields with mathematical tools.
Focus will be on doing much practice through lot of examples. An active participation by students will be much helpful for understanding the subject fully.
This course is comprised of the fundamentals of Islamic finance and Islamic Banking. Economists have been debating the impact of religion on Economics performance for many years. Many have questioned whether Economics can be mixed with religion or whether the drag on economic development in many Muslim countries is attributed to their beliefs. But as we progress in the lecture, one would find out that Islam promotes growth.
This subject includes managerial accounting for non-accounting majors with the topics, such as: cost estimation, budgeting, performance evaluation, transfer price determination, production-cost systems and the analysis of investment decision making.
A.Understand the limitations of traditional cost calculation systems.
B.Calculate costs according to activities and according to the managing activity.
C.Make appropriate business decisions according to relevant costs and income.
D.Exercise managerial control and manage systems.
This course integrates financial analysis, interpretation, and performance evaluation. it explores measurement of items on financial statements. This course is intended to equip the students with the financial information tools that are needed for evaluating past performance and predicting future performance of a company or division. The course also introduces students to the investment management processes, investment markets and transactions, sources of investment information and advice, margin trading and short selling, investing in equities and fixed income securities and portfolio management. The course aims to equip students with the tools necessary to make good investment decisions.
A.To enable the students to describe the sources of information needed for financial statement analysis.
B.To enable the students to apply horizontal, vertical, trend and ratio analyses to financial statements of a company.
C.To enable the students to perform cash flows analysis in order to evaluate the cash flows position of a company.
The purpose of this course is to connect basic microeconomic theory and methods to managerial decision-making. Since all managerial decision making takes place in a context of scarcity—whether in terms of time, financial resources, human and capital resources, etc.—the field of economics (which studies of the allocation of our scarce resources) is especially well-suited to address the managerial decision making process. Thus, this course analyzes the process of managerial decision making in an economic context.
A. Understand the concept, goal, scope, and fundamentals of managerial economics.
B. Apply supply and demand analysis to analyze the impact of economic events on markets and firms.
C. Describe the optimal production decision-making process for firms.
D. Perform optimization procedures (e.g., to maximize profits, minimize costs) using basic mathematical tools.
E. Explain the relevant cost issues related to firm-level decision making.
F. Determine the optimal pricing strategy for a given set of cost and market conditions.
G. Understand the four basic market models of perfect competition, monopoly, monopolistic competition, and oligopoly, and how price and quantity are determined in each model
H. Discuss the implications of different market structures on pricing and optimal output decision making of firms.
I. Understand why there is a role for the government to play in market economies
The course discusses the role and importance of capital markets in the economy. It presents the underlying theories as well as the instruments and the players involved. A critical analysis of the bonds, shares and derivatives instruments from an Islamic viewpoint will be provided. The course will also thoroughly examine the Sukuk market, its prospects and challenges.
1. To understand the underlying theories of capital market
2. To comprehend the institutions and instruments of the capital market
3. To critically evaluate the conventional financial instruments and practices from an Islamic viewpoint
4. To comprehend the Sukuk market
This course presents the liquidity portion of the Basel Committee’s reform to strengthen global capital and Risk regulations with the goal of promoting a more resilient banking sector. The objective of the course is to help student understand and acquire the right skills/knowledge in other to improve the banking sector’s ability to absorb shocks arising from financial and economic stress.
A. To equip students/participants with the right skills/knowledge to improve the banking sector
B. Focus on key areas that are fundamental to the development and establishment of Risk management functions in banks and on selected areas of the ALM process where failures to get these areas right can have a cataclysmic impact on the organization
C. Compare and contrast the similarities and difference between Conventional Derivatives and Islamic Finance derivatives and how the can be used as Risk management tools
D. At the end of the course, students will be able to describe risk management process
E. Identify key factors that affect interest rates, exchange rates and commodity prices
This course is comprised of a study of the fundamentals of Economics and how they are related when countries indulge in international trade. Furthermore, it helps comprehend the impact of this trade on developing and developed economies.
The course also details the Islamic perspective of major economic concepts and analyses how countries can improve their economic state and move closer to an Islamic economic system.
A. To enable students to understand the implications of economic concepts on and of International Trade
B. To be able to distinguish between the current economic trends and Islamic concepts
C. To illustrate the usefulness of Islam as a model governing all economic systems and the impact of it on society as a whole.
Islamic Studies
Course Description
This course is comprised of a study of the fundamental issues in the Science of Tawheed/ ‘Aqeedah most relevant today. It gives an overview of the categories of Tawheed and Shirk.
I. Objectives
- To enable the student to understand the origins of the Science of Tawheed.
- To further develop the student’s grasp of the basic three categories of Tawheed and their antithesis Shirk.
- To develop the student’s basic knowledge regarding some of the controversial issues related to Tawheed.
- To enable students to critically analyze the customs and culture which affects the implementation of Tawheed in Muslim countries today.
- To teach students correct approach to understanding the Islaamic Creed.
II. Class Content
A. Definition of ‘Aqeedah
B. Importance of ‘Aqeedah
C. Unique Characteristics of Islamic ‘Aqeedah
D. Definitions of Eemaan and Islaam and their characteristics
E. Belief in Allaah
1. Proofs For Allaah’s Existence
2. The Appearance of Atheism in Modern Times
3. Tawheed: Ruboobiyyah, Uloohiyyah, & Asmaa wa sifaat
4. Kufr and its categories
5. Shirk and its categories
6. Nifaaq and its categories
A. Required Text:
- Bilal Philips, The Fundamentals of Tawheed, Bilal Philips,
B. Supplementary Texts:
- ‘Abdullah Al-Athari, Islamic Beliefs
Course Description
This course is a critical study of the history of Islamic legislation and the evolution of its various schools of law.
A. Required Texts:
Bilal Philips, The Evolution of Fiqh,
Bilal Philips, The Chennai Treatise
B. Supplementary Texts:
‘Abdur Rahman Doi, The Shariah
Course Description
This course is comprised of a study of the fundamental issues of Islamic Law. The book of Marriage is full of issues regarding family matters where nikaah issues, marital discord, and more are discussed. It is a course in which both married and unmarried students will find immense benefit. While going through all the academic lingo of the subject you will Insha Allah benefit from it for your personal life and those around you.
A. Required Text:
- Salih Al-Fawzaan, A Summary of Islamic Jurisprudence, vol.2
B. Supplementary Texts:
- Fiqhus Sunnah, Sayyid Sabiq,
- Azzawaaj al Islami by Shaykh Mahmood Al Masri,
- Isharun Nisaa by Shaykh Usamah bin Kamal
Course Description
This course is a survey of usool al-fiqh (the principles of Islamic jurisprudence). The main topics of study are the daleels that are universally considered authoritative, followed by the controversial daleels (excluding those most relevant to al Maqaasid al-Shar‘iyyah), linguistic issues relevant to interpretation of the texts, the nature of Sharee‘ah rules, and issues concerning ijtihaad.
I. Objectives
To enable the student to understand the origins of the Science of Usool al-Fiqh.
To familiarize the student with the proofs for the authority of the various types of evidence recognized in Usool al-Fiqh and the arguments of those who reject various proofs.
To acquaint the student with the main rules regarding interpretation of textual evidence as well as the most important controversies surrounding some of them.
To give the student a clear framework for understanding the nature of rules employed in fiqh.
To familiarize students with the methodology for dealing with apparently contradictory evidence.
To acquaint the student with the main issues related to ijtihaad.
II. Class Content
An introduction to the science of Usool al-Fiqh: Its origin and development and the difference between Usool al-Fiqh and Fiqh.
Identification of fields of knowledge that have contributed to Usool ul Fiqh i.e. the Qur’aan, Sunnah, Arabic Language, logic and Fiqh
Examining the concept of Ijtihad as found in the early times.
Issues regarding the Hukm Shar‘ee (Islamic Law) and what is related to it.
Defining declarative law ( al-hukum al-wad’ee) in detail with its sub-divisions and ways of identifying categories when appropriate.
Discussing the nature of Shariah Laws
Role of intellect and free will in determining the legal capacity.
An overview of types of evidence: Qat’ee and Zannee, Primary and Secondary, transmitted and rational
Issues related to the Qur’aan
The Issues related to Sunnah
The issue of Abrogation (Naskh)
The Language- Clarity of Language and linguistic issues
Research on Command and Prohibition: Definition; ways that command and prohibition are conveyed in Arabic. The legal value of it, an order after a prohibition, and non-literal uses of it
Research on the General and Specific: Definitions of the ‘Aam and Khaas, generalization terminology
Research on the Unlimited and the Limited: Definitions of the Mutlaq and Muqayyid, the working relationship between the two.
Research on the Textual Implications: The Stated (Mantooq) and Unstated ( Maskoot)
Discussion on Ijmaa’: Definition, books on Ijmaa’ and the controversy on the authority of Ijmaa’
Study on Qiyaas: Definition, proof for those who reject the Qiyaas and the conditions pertaining to the original and new cases.
Research on Istis-haab (Presumption of Continuity): definition, recognition and evidence for its authority and its types.
Required Text:
Bilal Philips, A Commentary on Usool al- Fiqh Made Easy
Supplementary Texts:
Study notes by Riaz Ansary
Imran Ahsan Khan Nyazee, Outlines of Islamic Jurisprudence
Muhammad Hashim Kamali, Principles of Islamic Jurisprudence
Course Description
This course deals with Islamic Criminal Law. In this course, we will discuss the various rulings related to the Hudood punishments, also we will find out the differences between legal retribution and prescribed punishments, as well as how to implement it and by whom. All these in order to prevent other incidences of such crimes from occurring. In other words it serves as a deterrent for the culprit and a forewarning for others. These laws are implemented by the state and it is not in the hands of individuals to execute as they like. All these punishments and before that, all the precautionary steps taken by Islam so that the doors leading to acts of evil is eliminated from the beginning, are some of the highlights of this study.
To enable the student to understand the origins of Islamic Law.
To illustrate the importance of the law of legal retribution and prescribed punishments.
To be able to understand the importance of this law for peace and security.
To exemplify the result of implementing this law in any land, anytime.
Diyah (Blood Money)
Definition, importance and need, amounts of diyah, conditions for bearing the responsibility of paying the money
Indemnity for body organs; senses and functions; and for wounds and fractures
Expiation for murder, compurgation
Hudood (Prescribed Punihment)
Definition, importance and need
Prescribed punishment for zina, slander, intoxicants, stealing, highway robbery etc.
Fighting the rebels
Legislation regarding apostasy
The book of food
Halaal and Haraam Issues, types of food, evidence related to it
Conditions of slaughtering
Hunting: Conditions, what to do before and after hunting etc.
Oaths and Vows: Definition, types of oaths, permissible and non-permissible and conditions of oath
Required Text:
Dr. Salih Al Fawzan, A Summary of Islamic Jurisprudence Vol 2
Supplementary Texts:
Shaykh Muhammad Saleh Al Uthaimeen, Sharhul Mumti\\\\\\\'e
Sayyid Sabiq, Fiqhus Sunnah
Muhammad Subhi bin Hasan Hallaq, Qur’an and Sunnah
Course Description
This course is a survey of the principles of Quranic exegesis. The first half of the curriculum focuses on ‘uloom al-Qur’an (background knowledge required of anyone who undertakes explanation of the Qur’an, especially its use of the Arabic language). The second half is a survey of works of tafseer, including the major classical works of tafseer bil-ma’thoor and tafseer bil-ra’y as well as modern trends in tafseer, particularly thematic tafseer.
1. To enable the student to understand the origins of the science of usool al-tafseer.
2. To familiarize the student with the nature of revelation and the unique qualities of the Qur’an, including its unparalleled preservation, it’s seven ahruf and its recitations.
3. To acquaint the student with the proper methodology for Qur’anic exegesis.
1. Introduction to the Science of Tafseer
2. Books of Tafseer
3. Translations of the Qur\\\'an
4. Wahy
5. The Revelations of the Qur\\\'aan
6. Collection of the Qur\\\'aan
7. The Qur\\\'aanic Text
8. Dialects and Recitations
9. Reasons for Revelation
10. Makkan and Madeenan Revelations
11. Naasikh and Mansookh
12. Muhkam and Mutashaabih
13. Literary Forms of the Qur\\\'aan
14. The Language of the Qur\\\'aan
A. Required Text:
Bilal Philips, Usool at-Tafseer
Study notes by Riaz Ansary
B. Supplementary Texts:
Yasir Qadhi, An Introduction to the Sciences of the Qur\\\'aan
Ahmad Von Denffer, \\\'Ulum al-Qur\\\'aan (Eng. Trans.)
As-Suyootee, al-Itqaan fee \\\'Uloom al-Qur\\\'aan
Az-Zarkashee, al-Burhaan fee \\\'Uloom al-Qur\\\'aan
Mannaa\\\' al-Qattaan, Mabaahith fee \\\'Uloom al-Qur\\\'aan
Muhammad \\\'Alee az-Zarqaanee, Manaahil al-\\\'Irfaan fee \\\'Uloom al-Qur\\\'aan
Course Description
Arabic Grammar Level 1 introduces students to Arabic grammar in a unique way based on the frequency of vocabulary usage. Level 1 focuses completely on the major nominal grammatical constructions. Its lessons are taught using English as the medium of instruction in order to give the student a basic understanding of Arabic grammar from an English grammatical perspective.
A. Required Text:
- Bilal Philips, Arabic Grammar made easy (Book One)
Course Description
Arabic Grammar Level 2 develops knowledge of Arabic grammar in a unique way based on the frequency of vocabulary usage. Level 2 focuses mainly on the morphology of verbs in the perfect tense and their grammatical constructions. Its lessons are taught using English as the medium of instruction in order to further develop the student\\\\\\\'s basic understanding of Arabic grammar from an English grammatical perspective.
A. Required Text:
- Bilal Philips, Arabic Grammar made easy (Book One)
B. Supplementary Text:
- Slideshow Presentation
This course looks at the cultural foundations of Islam in order to enable the student to distinguish it from cultural traditions and practices commonly associated with Islam, as well as to understand reasons for the current cultural clash.
Course Description
The course provides students with an opportunity to study the Hadeeths regarding the things which the Prophet (peace be upon him) considered to be the best. These are based on a book entitled The Best in Islam series which was written by Dr. Bilal Philips. The students will be able to know which practices are the best in Islam, act upon them and earn reward from Allah.
A. Providing the student with the knowledge of the hadeeths that are pertaining to the things which are considered to be the best in Islam.
B. Providing a detailed explanation of the best things in Islam.
C. Linking up the explanation of the hadeeths with contemporary events and issues so as to provide relevance to the students.
D. Making students aware of need to act upon these hadeeths and propagate them to others.
A. Required Text:
Dr. Bilal Philips, A transcription of the lectures by Dr. Bilal Philips
B. Supplementary Texts: