Bachelor of Arts in Arabic Language and Linguistics

> Course Description

Course Description

Arabic Reading, Writing Listening, and Wording


● Credit Hours: 3
● Catalog Description: This course covers the audio words which attaché
with his daily life. and covers the Arabs alphabet and pronunciation
writing reading, And all the daily conversation that he live.
● Rationale for the inclusion of the course in the program of study:
The course provides students with the knowledge of the right
pronunciation and reading of the Arabic words by understanding
which will be read according to Linguistic wealth, knowing how the
writing of Arabic letters in the word and alone, Have a Knowledge of
Expression of daily needs, and a Knowledge of Arabic words and frame
of language.
l evel 1(Arabic Reading Writing Listening and Wording) Imam Ibn Saud Arabic
books notes supplied by Dr atef zain al abedeen
المستوى الأول ( القراءة – الكتابت – الاستماع – التعبیر ) جامعت الإمام محمد بن سعود . ا
The Part
Second part
Started on lesson No 1
At the completion of this course students should:
• Have Knowledge Of Right Pronunciation
• Have knowledge rightreadingofArabicwordsby understanding which
will be read according to Linguistic wealth
• Knowing how the writing of Arabic letters in the word and alone
• Have Knowledge of Expression of daily need
• Have a Knowledge of Arabic words and frame of language
• wayofstudy:
• (A)reading arabic letter one by one with all moves
• with knowing off or of every letter: • beginning of word
• middle of word
• andattheendofword
• knowing mad with its kinds(alif,,waw,,yaa)
• startinginreadingandknowinghowtospellwordsanddo Phrase
• making some exercise about which studied
• (B)listeningtodailyconversationwhichusingatthelife with practice on.
• (C)Learning how do Expression in simple topics according words
which have been studied in number (A)

 Name of Class Reading and wording – Part B

Credit Hours 30 Recording hours
Level 2(Arabic Reading and Wording) Imam Ibn Saud Arabic books notes
supplied by Dr atef zain al abedeen
.المستوى الثاني( الاستماع  القراءة –التعبیر  الكتابة) جامعة الإمام محمد بن سعود
Name of Course: Reading and wording – 2 ( Semester 2)
Rationale for the inclusion of the course in the program of study:
The course provides students with the knowledge of the right pronunciation and
reading of the Arabic words by understanding which will be read according to
Linguistic wealth, Have a Knowledge of Expression of daily needs, and a Knowledge
of Arabic words and frame of language.
Semester and Year offered: First year – Semester 2 (BA in Arabic language)
Course Synopsis:
This course covers the audio words which attaché with his daily life. And all the daily
conversation that he live.
ا Second part
Started on lesson No 1
At the completion of this course students should:
● Have a knowledge of right pronunciation
● Have a knowledge of right reading of Arabic words by
● understanding which will be read according to Linguistic wealth
● Have a Knowledge of Expression of daily needs
● Have a Knowledge of Arabic words and frame of language
● Have a Knowledge of understanding audio
● Have a Knowledge of Vocabulary and language usage????????
● Have a Knowledge of change the sentence from first person to second person
● and to third person
● way of study :
● (A) listening to dayily conversation which using at the life with practice on .
● (B) Learning how do Expression in simple topics according words which have
been studied in number (A)
● making some exercise about which studied

 Class Description

● A. Name of Class: Listening, Reading, Writing and Speaking. )َ سْ ل م سْ
) ي اَ سْ ل م ا ل تَّ سْ يُ
● B. Catalog Description:
This collective course is to provide a study of mastering Arabic linguistic skills;
such as listening, reading, writing and speaking. The orderly list of these language
skills is to connote that both linguistic competence and performance are strictly
dependent on them. Past and contemporary linguists have deemed and established
thatlistening, reading, writing and speaking must be studied and well acquainted
with when taking into consideration those inevitable means of language acquisition.
The aims of this course are to inculcate habit of listening and speaking
including the knowledge of reading and writing in the mind of IOU students
and also to intensify their potentiality in understanding these linguistic skills.
The incipient stage of studying these skills in the Arabic course would induce
essential precedents and principles for mastering lessons of Arabic language.
In the course of this study, the habit of listening is amodel substructure on
which the teachings will be extensively based while reading, writing and
speaking are going to be intensively studied respectively so that the students'
linguistic mindset would be firmly molded to classical Arabic.
Moreover, a thorough study of all lessons designed in this course would be
carried out and various tests and drills would be entertained accordingly.
1. Textbook and Supplies
A. Required Texts: (1) Silsilatu-Ta'leemul-Lughatil-Arabiyyah-
Level 3 (al-Qira'ah - القراءة ) by Imam Muhammad bin Saud Islamic
University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
(2) Silsilatu-Ta'leemul-Lughatil-Arabiyyah - Level 3 (al-Kitaabah - ةُ ااَ لْل كِ اَ ااَ
) by Imam Muhammad bin Saud Islamic University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
(3) Silsilatu-Ta'leemul-Lughatil-Arabiyyah - Level 3 (at-Ta'beer - ااَل تَّ لْ كِ ةُر
) by Imam Muhammad bin Saud Islamic University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
B. Supplementary Texts:
Lessons in Arabic Language, Book 1 & 2 only by Shaykh Dr. V.
Abdur-Raheem, Islamic University of madeenah.
● A. To inculcate the habit of attentive listening in the mind of students.
● B. To let the students be well acquainted with the basics of mastering
● C. To provide details about the rules and principles governing
Successful writing and speaking.
● D. To Assist the students to know much about the methods of good reading
comprehension passage.

 Name of Class Reading and wording – Part d

Credit Hours 30 Recording hours
Level 4 (Arabic Reading and Wording) Imam Ibn Saud Arabic books notes
supplied by Dratefzain al abedeen
.المستوى ال رَّابع( الاستماع  القراءة –التعبیر  الكتابت) جامعت الإمام محمد بن سعود
Name of Course: Reading and wording – Part d ( Semester 4)
Rationale for the inclusion of the course in the program of study:
The course provides students with the following:
1-Review the student\\\'s study of vocabulary, structures and expressions with a wider
collection of vocabulary, structures and scientific terms.
2- helps students to read and understand Arabic books and the ability to discuss and
draw the basic ideas in different subjects
3- - Accustom students to correct writing with the use of punctuation as well as quick
reading with the correct pronunciation.
● At the completion of this course students should:
● Have a knowledge of right writing and punctuation
● Have a knowledge of right reading of Arabic words by
understanding which will be read according to Linguistic wealth
● Have a Knowledge of Expression of Arabic books.
● Have a Knowledge of Arabic words and frame of language
● Have a Knowledge of understanding audio
● Have a Knowledge of Vocabulary and language usageof Arabic books
● way of study :
● (A) listening to dayily conversation which using at the life with practice on .
● (B) Learning how do Expression in simple topics according words which have
been studied in number (A)
● making some exercise about which studied

Arabic Grammar


جامعة الإمام محمد بن سعود الإسلامیة - سِلسلةُ تعلیِم اللغِة العربیة – المستوى الثاني (النَّحو) من بدایة الكتاب حتى
صفحة 131
At the completion of this course students should:
• Have knowledge of the difference between the verb and the noun and the
• Have knowledge of the kinds of the sentence in Arabic language
• Have knowledge of the singular, the dual and the plural nouns
• Have knowledge of the kinds of the pronouns
• Have knowledge of the inflection of the pronoun if it occurs in the beginning
of the
النحو 11 Name of the course : Arabic grammar
• Program of Study: BA in Arabic language
• Name of academic staff: Dr : Ebraheem Abd Alhafiz Abo Dawy
• Rationale for the inclusion of the course in the program of study:
• The course provides students with a correct understanding of beginnings of
the Arabic
grammar by easy way
Name of Class
النَّحو 1 Arabic Grammar 1 in BA program
Credit Hours
30 Recording hours
• Course Synopsis: This course covers the first eleven lessons in the book of
Arabic grammar 1 in the Islamic university of Imam ibn Soad and this course
starts from the beginning of the book to page 136


Name of Class Arabic grammar 2
Credit Hours 30 Recording hours
جامعة الإمام محمد بن سعود الإسلامیة - سِلسلةُ تعلي مِ اللغةِ العربیة – المستوى الثاني (النَّحو) بدایة من الدرس
الثاني عشر صفحة 731 إلى نهایة الدرس الثال ثِ والعشري نَ صفحة 241
At the completion of this course students should:
• Have knowledge of the kinds of the demonstrative pronouns Page 1
• Have knowledge of the kinds of the relative pronouns
• Have knowledge of the incomplete verbs ( كا نَ and its sisters)
• Have knowledge of the cancellation particles ( إ نَّ and its sisters)
• Have knowledge of the subject الفاعل and its kinds (A visible noun, an attached
and a hidden pronoun)
• Have knowledge of the adjective,ُ النَّع تُ/ال صِّفة Adjective of the subjectِ نع تُ المبتدأ
and adjec-
نع تُ المفعوِل بِه tive of the direct object
• Rationale for the inclusion of the course in the program of study:
• The course provides students with a correct understanding of relative,
pronouns, the adjective and the direct object in Arabic language by easy way
• Semester and Year offered: Year 1 – Semester 2
• Course Synopsis: This course covers the lessons from 12 to 23 in the book
of Arabic
grammar 1 in the Islamic university of Imam ibn Soad


Credit Hours 30 Recording hours
جامعة الإمام محمد بن سعود الإسلامیة - سِلسلةُ تعلیِم اللغِة العربیة
المستوى الثاني (النَّحو) بدایة من الدرس الرابِع والعشري نَ في صفحة 248 حتى نهایة الكتاب -
- المستوى الثالث (النحو) بدایةً من الدرس الأول حتى نهایة الدرس 8 صفحة 104 Islamic university of
Imam Mohamed Ibn Saud– teaching Arabic series
First book : Second level (Arabic grammar) from page to the end
Second book : Third level (Arabic grammar) from the beginning to page 104
At the completion of this course students should:
حرو فُ الجِّر والاس مُ
Have knowledge of the prepositions and the noun in the genitive case
ااروُر ظرف الَّزمان وظر فُ
Have knowledge of the adverb of the time and the adverb of the place
ا لم ك ا نِ
Have knowledge of the inflection of the sound ending verb and the weak
ending verb
Have knowledge of the writing of the Arabic vowel signs by keyboard
Having the knowledge of the story of Pharaoh
Having the knowledge of the jussiveness of the present tense verb
Rationale for the inclusion of the course in the program of study:
The course provides students with a correct understanding of the following :
The declinable and indeclinable nouns and verbs
The story of the prophet Mosa
The adverb of time and the adverb of place
Course Synopsis: This course covers the lessons from 24 to 26 in the book of
grammar 2 in the Islamic university of Imam ibn Saud and lessons from 1 to 8
26 in the book of Arabic grammar 3 in the Islamic university of Imam ibn Saud


Credit Hours 30 Recording hours
جامعة الإمام محمد بن سعود الإسلامیة - سِلسلةُ تعلیِم اللغِة العربیة - -المستوى الثالث (النحو) بدایةً من الوحدة
السابعة/الدرس التاسع في صفحة 105 حتى نهایة الدرس الثامن عشر في صفحة 206
The Part
الجزء الثالث
Third part
At the completion of this course students should:
Have knowledge of the five verbs and their inflection in all cases
Have knowledge of the cases of the structure of : the past tense verb , the
tense verb and the commend tense verb
Have knowledge of the inflection of the dual and plural forms
Have knowledge of the deletion of the Noon of the end of the dual and sound
mas- culine plural forms
Have knowledge of the inflection of the five nouns by letters
Have knowledge of the noun with shortened ending COURSE DESCRIPTION
Course Synopsis:
This course covers the lessons from nine to eighteen from the third book of
Arabic grammar in the institute of teaching Arabic for Non- native at Imam
Mohammad ibn Saud university
This course provides the student with basic grammatical rules in Arabic
language, In addition, it makes the student able to distinguish between some
similar words in Arbic, and shows the student how to use these words in his
daily life
Grammar 3 book in the Islamic university of Imam Mohammad ibn Saud

 To be updated soon

Al Madinah Series

 Class Description

A. Name of Class: Arabic 101
B. Credit Hours:
C. Catalog Description: Arabic Grammar Level 1 introduces
students to Arabic grammar in a unique
way based on the frequency of vocabulary
usage. Level 1 focuses completely on the
major nominal grammatical constructions.
Its lessons are taught using English as the
medium of instruction in order to give the
student a basic understanding of Arabic
grammar from an English grammatical
This course seeks to enhance for the
students the following:
1- Listing to Arabic language from native
2- Reading and writing Arabic language by
a correct way as Native speakers read and
3- Learning Basics of Arabic language.
4-growing the speaking skills.
5- Using Many words from Quran Kareem
Learning bases of Arabic Grammar
(Alnahw) النحو
8 - listing to Quran from native (Egyptian)
The book and the author
A. Required Text: دُروسُ اللغةِ العربیَّةِ لِغیْرِ النَّاطقینَ بِها(الجزءُ الأولُ
Arabic language lessons for non – native
speakers (first Part)
This book consists of 3 Parts
In This course we will study the lessons
from 1 to 10 in the first part only
The Author Dr . F. Abd Alraheem

 Class Description

Name of Class: Arabic course 2 (Grammar level 1),
Credit Hours:
Arabic Grammar Level 1 introduces students to Arabic
grammar in a unique way based on the frequency of
vocabulary usage. Level 1 focuses completely on the major
nominal grammatical constructions. Its lessons are taught
using English as the medium of instruction in order to give
the student a basic understanding of Arabic grammar from
an English grammatical perspective.
This course seeks to enhance for the students the following:
1- Listening to Arabic language from native speaker.
2- Reading and writing Arabic language by a correct way as
Native speakers read and write
3- Learning Basics of Arabic language.
4-growing the speaking skills.
5- Using Many words from Quran Kareem
6- Learning bases of Arabic Grammar (Alnahw) النحو
7 - listing to Quran from native (Egyptian) readers
8- Learning How students make إعراب
9- Learning Arabic numbers from 1 to ten
10- making the dual form
11- Learning the kinds of the plural nouns
12-Learning the kinds of diptote nouns
13- Listening to the conversations by native speakers
Recorded Lectures.
The book and the author
Required Text: دُروسُ اللغةِ العربیَّةِ لِغیْرِ النَّاطقینَ بِها
(الجزءُ الأولُ)
Arabic language lessons for non – native speakers (first Part)
This book consists of 3 Parts
In This course we will study the lessons from 10 to 23(The
end of book1)
In the end of this course we will finish part one of this book
inshaa allah
The Author Dr . F. Abd Alraheem

 class description:

Name of Class Arabic language – The third course of Kettab Al Madeenah
Credit Hours 30 Recording hours
Instructional methods: Recorded lectures
name of the book and the AUTHER:
دروس اللغة العربیة لغیر الناطقین بها للدكتور ف عبد الرحیم
The Part
Second part الجزء الثاني
At the completion of this course students should:
• Have knowledge of the Arabic numbers from 1 to 20
• Have knowledge of the past verb with the attached pronouns
• Have the knowledge of the kinds of the verbal nouns
• Have the knowledge of the kinds of the vocative
• Have the knowledge of knowing many new words and their

 class description:

Name of Class Arabic language – The third course of Kettab Al Madeenah
Credit Hours 30 Recording hours
Instructional methods : Recorded lectures
name of the book and the AUTHER:
دروس اللغة العربیة لغیر الناطقین بها للدكتور فؤاد عبد الرحیم
The Part
Second part الجزء الثاني
Started with lesson No 9 till lesson No 24
At the completion of this course students should:
• Have knowledge of the difference between KAM of questioning and KAM of information كَم
الاستفهامیة وكم الخبریة
• Have knowledge of the all rules of the Arabic numbers
• Have knowledge of the inflection of MONZ منْذُ
• Have knowledge of the difference between the two particles of the future السین وسوف
• Have knowledge of the difference between LA of negation and LA of prohibition لا النافیة ولا

 class description:

Name of Class Arabic language – The fifth course of Kettab Al Madeenah
Credit Hours 30 Recording hours
Instructional methods : Recorded lectures
name of the book and the AUTHER:
دروس اللغة العربیة لغیر الناطقین بها للدكتور ف عبد الرحیم
The Part
Second part الجزء الثاني
Started with lesson NO 25 from Page 167
Third part الجُزء الثالث
From the beginning to page 28(Lesson 3)
At the completion of this course students should:
• Have knowledge of the inflection قبل وبعْدُ
• Have knowledge of the difference between the assimilated verbs, the hollow verbs and the
defective verbs
• Have knowledge of the kinds of the declinable and indecinable nouns and verbs
• Have knowledge of the passive voice of the past and present verbs

 class description:

Name of Class Arabic language – The sixth course of Kettab Al Madeenah
Credit Hours 30 Recording hours
Instructional methods : Recorded lectures
name of the book and the AUTHER:
دروس اللغة العربیة لغیر الناطقین بها للدكتور ف عبد الرحیم
The Part
The third part الجزءُ الثَّالثُ
Started from Page 28 and ended to page 112
At the completion of this course, students should:
• Have knowledge of the forming of the active participle of the three letter verbs and
more three letter verbs
• Have knowledge of the forming of the noun of the instrument
• Have knowledge of the forming of the nouns of time and place
• Have knowledge of the inflection of the questioning nouns
• Have knowledge of the inflection pf the style of pain and sorrow أُسلُوبُ النُّدبةِ

 to be updated soon

 to be updated soon

Arabic Literature

 To be updated soon

 Class Description

This course provides a group of valuable Islamic teachings as presented in
prophetic traditions. The texts are explained in an easy way to allow students
understand and observe these teachings and etiquettes and learn Arabic at
the same time. Exercises also help enhancing the practical side of learning
the language as well as developing the sense of Arabic usage.
I. Textbook and Supplies
● Required Text:
Imam Ibn Saud University Arabic series (Level 2: Hadeeth book)
I. Objectives
● To introduce students toIslamic teachings and etiquettes in prophetic
● To enable students to read and pronounce Arabic words and sentences in a
proper way.
● To help students form correct Arabic sentences.
● To help students become familiar with classical Arabic structures.

Arabic Rhetoric, Linguistics, and Morphology

 To be updated soon

This course researches the general background and fundamental

issues of Arabic language (the language of The Holy Qur'an,

Hadith: saying of Prophet Muhammad) and Arabic poetry, which

shows the richness of Arabic language. As most of the students

may not be in Arabic speaking country, so this course then come

as their safeguard; for it will help them to overcome their

deficiency in understanding authentic sources of Arabic language

and Islamic sciences and also acquire more knowledge about

morphological patterns that make up the internal structure of

Arabic words, enabling them to distinguish between different

forms of derivation, word-formation, root words, inflection,

affixes etc.

Important as such Arabic Morphology needs more attention to be

paid to it, because is the twin sister of Arabic Grammar; one

cannot master Arabic with only Grammar, but should mingle it

with Morphology.

Textbook and Supplies

)أیسر الطریق إلى معرفة التصریف تألیف د. عبد القادر سیلا(

Aysari AT-Tariq IlA- Marifatu At-Serif:

Morphology Made Easy by: Dr. Abdoul

khadri sillah .


● To acquire a more advanced general background of

fundamental principles of Arabic morphology.

● To gain a profound understanding of the meanings behind

Arabic patterns and word formations.

● To enable the student to realize and analyze the differences

between various sentences and expressions in Arabic.

● To obtain a better understanding of Qur'anic texts and

Prophetic sayings.

 To be updated soon


 Course Description

This level of Tajweed teaches beginners the pronunciation skills and basic Tajweed
rules needed to ensure correct recitation of the Qur’aan.
I. Objectives
1. To establish a bond between the student and Allah’s Book by learning its proper
2. Enabling the student of the Islamic Online University to correctly recite the Noble
Qur'an and thoroughly preparing him to carry the university's message that is based
on Allah's Book.
3. Clarifying the excellence of reciting the Noble Qur'an and studying it.
4. To make the student familiar with Qur'aanic pronunciation skills and the most
common rules of Tajweed, theoretically and practically.
II. Class Content
A. The Qur'aan (recitation only) B. Tajweed
Ad-Duhaa to An-Nas
Al-Ghashiyah to Al-Layl
Al-Mutaffifin to Al-'A`la
An-Naba' to Al-'Infitar
Al-'Insan & Al-Mursalat
Al-Muddaththir & Al-Qiyamah
Al-Qalam to Al-Muzzammil
Introduction to Tajweed, and the
virtues of learning and reciting the
Types of Lahn
Rules of Isti'aathah the Basmalah
Introduction to the articulation
Articulation points
The characteristics of the letters
The characteristics of Hams and
The characteristics of Shiddah,
Tawassut and Rakhaawah
The characteristics of Isti'laa',
Inkhifaad, Itbaaq and Infitaah
The characteristics of Safeer and
The characteristics of Leen and
The characteristics of Tikraar,
Tafash-shee and Istitaalah
III. Textbook
A. Required Text:
Kareema Carol Czereinski, Tajweed rules of the Qur’aan, Vol. 1 and 2
B. Supplementary Texts:
Umm Muhammad, A Brief Introduction to Tajweed

 Course Description

This level of Tajweed teaches intermediate students pronunciation skills and the
general Tajweed rules needed to ensure correct recitation of the Qur’aan.
I. Objectives
1. To establish a bond between the student and Allah’s Book by learning its proper
2. Enabling the student of the Islamic Online University to correctly recite the Noble
Qur'an and thoroughly preparing him to carry the university's message that is based
on Allah's Book.
3. Clarifying the excellence of reciting the Noble Qur'an and studying it.
4. To make the student familiar with Qur'aanic pronunciation skills and the most
common rules of Tajweed, theoretically and practically.
II. Class Content
A. The Qur'aan (recitation only) B. Tajweed
Adh-Dhariyat to Al-Qamar
Ar-Rahman to Al-Hadid
Al-'Ahqaf & Muhammad
Ad-Dukhan & Al-Jathiyah
Luqman & As-Sajdah
Tafkheem and Tarqeeq
The rules of noon saakina and
The rules of meem saakina
The Ghunnah
The rules of laam saakinah
The rules of al-mutamaathilain
al-mutajaanisain, al-mutaqaaribain
and al-mutabaa’idain
The rules of Idghaam
The rules of madd
The rules of hamzat al-Wasl
The rules of starting, stopping, and
III. Textbook
A. Required Text:
Kareema Carol Czereinski, Tajweed rules of the Qur’aan, Vol. 1, 2 and 3
B. Supplementary Texts:
Umm Muhammad, A Brief Introduction to Tajweed


 The objective of this course is to introduce students to the world of business.

This course is a perfect setting for career preparation, as students are
exposed to different aspects and areas of a business to which they can match
their individual abilities and interests. This course introduces students to
various functional areas of a business. Furthermore, they will get insight to
how a business can address many pressing problems of our society.
Textbook and Supplies Required Text: Business Essential by Ronald J. Ebert,
Ricky W. Griffin Pearson , 9th edition
Objectives The objective of this course is to understand the concept of
business and the concept of profit. The student will be able to understand the
external environments of business, and describe the different types of global
economic systems. This course will enable students identify entrepreneurship
and small business and their importance to the economies and understand the
different types of global economic systems.

 The primary objective of this course is to provide a framework to the students to

understand individual and group behaviour in organisations. This course aims to
enhance the students’ understanding and application of organisational behaviour and
encourage them to apply innovative techniques to manage human resources
effectively. The study may involve a case study with a live project.
These sessions will broadly cover
● Basis of behaviour of individuals in the organisations
● Leadership and motivation
● The fundamentals of group behaviour
● Organisational structure, culture and change
Muslims today are often found lacking the essentials of strong leadership traits and
lack self-motivation. This course shall also shed some light on the same and may
Allaah make it a source for all to benefit from.
Required Text:
Organisational Behaviour by S. P. Robbins, Timothy A. Judge, Seema Sanghi; 13th
Edition, Pearson Education Powerpoint and Handouts provided by Instructor
B. Supplementary Texts:
Organisational Behaviour by Fred Luthans: Mc Graw Hill International Edition Human
Relations and Organisational Behaviour by R. S. Dwivedi: Mcmillan Business Books
Management: A Global Perspective by Harold Koontz and Heinz Weihrich: Mc Graw
Hill Organisational Behaviour by Robert P. Vecchio: The Dryden Press International
A. To understand how an individual behaves in an organisation and the factors that
play a role in regulating the behaviour B. To understand the process of learning in an
organisational environment C. To understand the pivotal role of a manager in
motivating his/her team and the intricacies of leading people in an organisation D. To
understand the way an organisation adjusts with the changing external environment
and the steps taken by an organisation to cope with such changes.

 The primary objective of this course is to provide a framework to the students to

understand individual and group behaviour in organisations. This course aims to
enhance the students’ understanding and application of organisational behaviour and
encourage them to apply innovative techniques to manage human resources
effectively. The study may involve a case study with a live project.
These sessions will broadly cover
● Basis of behaviour of individuals in the organisations
● Leadership and motivation
● The fundamentals of group behaviour
● Organisational structure, culture and change
Muslims today are often found lacking the essentials of strong leadership traits and
lack self-motivation. This course shall also shed some light on the same and may
Allaah make it a source for all to benefit from.
Required Text:
Organisational Behaviour by S. P. Robbins, Timothy A. Judge, Seema Sanghi; 13th
Edition, Pearson Education Powerpoint and Handouts provided by Instructor
B. Supplementary Texts:
Organisational Behaviour by Fred Luthans: Mc Graw Hill International Edition Human
Relations and Organisational Behaviour by R. S. Dwivedi: Mcmillan Business Books
Management: A Global Perspective by Harold Koontz and Heinz Weihrich: Mc Graw
Hill Organisational Behaviour by Robert P. Vecchio: The Dryden Press International
A. To understand how an individual behaves in an organisation and the factors that
play a role in regulating the behaviour B. To understand the process of learning in an
organisational environment C. To understand the pivotal role of a manager in
motivating his/her team and the intricacies of leading people in an organisation D. To
understand the way an organisation adjusts with the changing external environment
and the steps taken by an organisation to cope with such changes.


 Course Objectives: After completion of this course, students will be able to: Define

pedagogy & examine various pedagogical models Explore & analyze western
pedagogical theories Identify & discuss contributors to instructional theory Explore
& adopt various effective teaching strategies Examine, analyze, & critique current
pedagogy used in Islamic schools Formulate a pedagogy which is reflective of
Islamic values Establish a vision for the future of education in Islamic schools
Devise an Islamic pedagogy that will empower students as learners & future leaders

 This course explores different strategies for effectively managing the classroom, from

designing rules, procedures, and consequences to implementing innovative activities
in the classroom to actively engage all learners. After completing the course,
students will be able to establish a successful learning environment and will be
equipped with the knowledge and consciousness that will enable them to reflect on
their teaching and make adjustments as needed. Attention is given to designing
lesson plans for an Islamic Studies class. Students are expected to maintain a journal
and to post journal entries in the forum on a weekly basis. Students should respond
to other students’ posts as well.
Course Objectives:
After completion of this course, students will be able to:
● Define classroom management & identify the tasks associated with
implementing it effectively
● Understand the importance of effective classroom management as it relates to
student achievement
● Demonstrate knowledge of classroom management research
● Develop rules and procedures to deal with and prevent inappropriate behavior
● Establish a classroom environment which will encourage Islamic behavior
● Establish a classroom environment in which learning can take place
● Design & implement techniques for effective classroom management
● Establish a reward & consequence system which will aid in maintaining order
in the classroom
● Demonstrate knowledge of various classroom management programs
● Critically reflect on his/her current management techniques and teaching
practices x Analyze different types of behavior & understand the factors which
cause certain behaviors
● Demonstrate knowledge of modifying the learning environment (schedule and
physical arrangement) to prevent and manage inappropriate behaviors
● Demonstrate an awareness of strategies to use for crisis
● Communicate effectively with parents to help prevent & eradicate negative
behavior x Demonstrate knowledge of the interrelationship of
teacher/student/administration/family as it relates to effective classroom
Textbook and Supplies A. Required Text:
Classroom Management That Works: Research-Based Strategies for Every Teacher
by Robert J. Marzano, Jana S. Marzano, Debra J. Pickering Publication Date: October
1, 2003 | ISBN10: 0871207931 | ISBN-13: 978- 0871207937 A Handbook for Classroom
Management that Works by Robert J. Marzano, et al.
Supplementary Texts: The First Days of School: How to Be an Effective Teacher by
Harry K. Wong

 Textbook and Supplies Required Text: None

Objectives Course Objectives: This course is structured to build the young Muslim
Professional: It is a stratified system clearly highlighting the meanings of
Professionalism, Management and Leadership; demystifying the misnomers and
taking a profound look at all three to bring a full and clear concept in the minds of the
students regarding how to implement them and yet still not disregard the Islamic
● Course Description: Differentiated Instruction
Course Description: This course explores differentiated instruction in depth,
beginning with a definition of differentiated instruction and a discussion about its
components. Students will not only look at theory but will also learn how to design a
differentiated lesson plan for an Islamic Studies class.
Course Objectives: After completion of this course, students
will be able to:
• Define differentiated instruction
and explain the need for its
• Identify the critical components for
which differentiated instruction is
designed, i.e., readiness, interest,
learning styles, and affect/
• Recall research findings on the
positive impacts of differentiating
instruction and move from theory
into practice
• Explain the difference between
differentiated instruction and
traditional instruction
• Identify the varied needs of a
diverse population of students (e.g.
gifted, special education, E.L.L.)
and differentiate instruction
according to their needs
• Explain the stages of second
language acquisition
• Assess the language acquisition
levels of their ELL students
• Explain various special education
profiles that are commonly found
in regular education classrooms
• Recognize the function of the
teacher in a differentiated
• manage differentiated activities in
single lessons
• Explain the key aspects of the
multiple intelligences
Textbook and Supplies A. Required Text: Supplemental Articles (See pdf) B.
Supplementary Texts: Differentiating Instruction in the Regular Classroom: How to
Reach and Teach All Learners, Grades 3-12 by Diane Heacox

 Course Description: This course introduces the student to various forms of electronic

and digital technology that can be used in the classroom to enhance teaching and
learning. It also explores technology use outside the classroom, particularly in how it
relates to parental input. Students will become skilled in the production and use of
various technological tools that are currently used in schools across the world. A
variety of websites and software useful for instruction and learning will be explored.
Upon completion of the course, students will know how to design a lesson plan using
instructional technology for individualized and group assignments and projects.
Course text Main text: The 2013 Free Education Technology Resources ebook

Quranic Arabic

 The course provides students with a correct understanding of the etiquettes of seeking knowledge, as well as the importance of gaining true knowledge. This course covers the characteristics of the seeker of knowledge, etiquettes to be followed with his teacher, importance of the application of knowledge, and some precautions for the seeker.

 To be updated soon

 To be updated soon

 To be updated soon


 This course is comprised of a study of the fundamental issues in the Science of Tawheed/ ‘Aqeedah most relevant today. It gives an overview of the categories of Tawheed and Shirk.

I. Objectives 

  • To enable the student to understand the origins of the Science of Tawheed.
  • To further develop the student’s grasp of the basic three categories of Tawheed and their antithesis Shirk.
  • To develop the student’s basic knowledge regarding some of the controversial issues related to Tawheed.
  • To enable students to critically analyze the customs and culture which affects the implementation of Tawheed in Muslim countries today.
  • To teach students correct approach to understanding the Islaamic Creed.

II.  Class Content 

A. Definition of ‘Aqeedah

B. Importance of ‘Aqeedah

C. Unique Characteristics of Islamic ‘Aqeedah

D. Definitions of Eemaan and Islaam and their characteristics 

E. Belief in Allaah 
1. Proofs For Allaah’s Existence
2. The Appearance of Atheism in Modern Times
3. Tawheed: Ruboobiyyah, Uloohiyyah, & Asmaa wa sifaat
4. Kufr and its categories
5. Shirk and its categories
6. Nifaaq and its categories


A. Required Text:

  • Bilal Philips, The Fundamentals of Tawheed, Bilal Philips,

 B. Supplementary Texts:

  • ‘Abdullah Al-Athari, Islamic Beliefs

English Grammar, Composition and Lit



Course Description: 



This course explores basic study and note- taking skills which will assist students with their studies. In addition, basic grammar will be reviewed and usage issues will be discussed. Students will learn how to take notes effectively, write summaries, and learn how to identify and correct grammatical errors in their writing. There will be two assignments, a midterm, and a final. There will be live sessions as well; attendance is highly recommended.




Textbook and Supplies


Required Text: 


The Sealed Nectar by Safiur-Rahman (1995 edition) or you may use the pdf that has been uploaded to the English Learning area (Modules 1-7)

English Grammar for the Utterly Confused  by Laurie Rosakis (Modules 8-30) 

Supplementary Texts: 


Study Guide (in English Learning area) 

 I. Objectives

    A. Analyze basic human issues as presented in literature from an Islamic perspective

    B. Explore character, plot, and setting

    C. Write  for different purposes

         1. A response to literature through maintenance of a double-entry journal

         2. An analysis of literature

         3. A narrative essay

    D. Compare and contrast short stories and/or novels

    E.  Participate in literature discussions

II. Class content

    A. Maintaining of double-entry journal while reading

    B. Character analysis

    C. Identification & analysis of plot/conflict

    D. Examination of basic elements of a good story

    E.  Exploration of short stories with different themes

         1. Death

         2. Family

         3. Wealth

          4. Aqeedah

          5. Tawbah

    F. Poetry

         1. Types

         2. Terms

    G. Setting analysis

    H. Literary terms

III. Textbooks

      A. Required Texts

          1. If I Should Speak by Umm Zakiyya

          2. A Collection of Short Stories and Poems compiled by Rasheedah Abdul-Hakeem

          3. The Jinn Possession of Izzan by Bilal Philips and Halimah Jordan

       B. Resourceful website 


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