Arabic Reading, Writing Listening, and Wording
Name of Class Reading and wording – Part B
Class Description
Name of Class Reading and wording – Part d
Arabic Grammar
To be updated soon
To be updated soon
To be updated soon
To be updated soon
Al Madinah Series
Class Description
Class Description
class description:
class description:
class description:
class description:
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to be updated soon
Arabic Literature
To be updated soon
To be updated soon
To be updated soon
Class Description
Arabic Rhetoric, Linguistics, and Morphology
To be updated soon
This course researches the general background and fundamental
issues of Arabic language (the language of The Holy Qur'an,
Hadith: saying of Prophet Muhammad) and Arabic poetry, which
shows the richness of Arabic language. As most of the students
may not be in Arabic speaking country, so this course then come
as their safeguard; for it will help them to overcome their
deficiency in understanding authentic sources of Arabic language
and Islamic sciences and also acquire more knowledge about
morphological patterns that make up the internal structure of
Arabic words, enabling them to distinguish between different
forms of derivation, word-formation, root words, inflection,
affixes etc.
Important as such Arabic Morphology needs more attention to be
paid to it, because is the twin sister of Arabic Grammar; one
cannot master Arabic with only Grammar, but should mingle it
with Morphology.
Textbook and Supplies
)أیسر الطریق إلى معرفة التصریف تألیف د. عبد القادر سیلا(
Aysari AT-Tariq IlA- Marifatu At-Serif:
Morphology Made Easy by: Dr. Abdoul
khadri sillah .
● To acquire a more advanced general background of
fundamental principles of Arabic morphology.
● To gain a profound understanding of the meanings behind
Arabic patterns and word formations.
● To enable the student to realize and analyze the differences
between various sentences and expressions in Arabic.
● To obtain a better understanding of Qur'anic texts and
Prophetic sayings.
To be updated soon
Course Description
Course Description
The objective of this course is to introduce students to the world of business.
The primary objective of this course is to provide a framework to the students to
The primary objective of this course is to provide a framework to the students to
Course Objectives: After completion of this course, students will be able to: Define
This course explores different strategies for effectively managing the classroom, from
Textbook and Supplies Required Text: None
Course Description: This course introduces the student to various forms of electronic
Quranic Arabic
To be updated soon
The course provides students with a correct understanding of the etiquettes of seeking knowledge, as well as the importance of gaining true knowledge. This course covers the characteristics of the seeker of knowledge, etiquettes to be followed with his teacher, importance of the application of knowledge, and some precautions for the seeker.
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To be updated soon
To be updated soon
This course is comprised of a study of the fundamental issues in the Science of Tawheed/ ‘Aqeedah most relevant today. It gives an overview of the categories of Tawheed and Shirk.
I. Objectives
- To enable the student to understand the origins of the Science of Tawheed.
- To further develop the student’s grasp of the basic three categories of Tawheed and their antithesis Shirk.
- To develop the student’s basic knowledge regarding some of the controversial issues related to Tawheed.
- To enable students to critically analyze the customs and culture which affects the implementation of Tawheed in Muslim countries today.
- To teach students correct approach to understanding the Islaamic Creed.
II. Class Content
A. Definition of ‘Aqeedah
B. Importance of ‘Aqeedah
C. Unique Characteristics of Islamic ‘Aqeedah
D. Definitions of Eemaan and Islaam and their characteristics
E. Belief in Allaah
1. Proofs For Allaah’s Existence
2. The Appearance of Atheism in Modern Times
3. Tawheed: Ruboobiyyah, Uloohiyyah, & Asmaa wa sifaat
4. Kufr and its categories
5. Shirk and its categories
6. Nifaaq and its categories
A. Required Text:
- Bilal Philips, The Fundamentals of Tawheed, Bilal Philips,
B. Supplementary Texts:
- ‘Abdullah Al-Athari, Islamic Beliefs
English Grammar, Composition and Lit
Course Description:
This course explores basic study and note- taking skills which will assist students with their studies. In addition, basic grammar will be reviewed and usage issues will be discussed. Students will learn how to take notes effectively, write summaries, and learn how to identify and correct grammatical errors in their writing. There will be two assignments, a midterm, and a final. There will be live sessions as well; attendance is highly recommended.
Textbook and Supplies
Required Text:
The Sealed Nectar by Safiur-Rahman (1995 edition) or you may use the pdf that has been uploaded to the English Learning area (Modules 1-7)
English Grammar for the Utterly Confused by Laurie Rosakis (Modules 8-30)
Supplementary Texts:
Study Guide (in English Learning area)
I. Objectives
A. Analyze basic human issues as presented in literature from an Islamic perspective
B. Explore character, plot, and setting
C. Write for different purposes
1. A response to literature through maintenance of a double-entry journal
2. An analysis of literature
3. A narrative essay
D. Compare and contrast short stories and/or novels
E. Participate in literature discussions
II. Class content
A. Maintaining of double-entry journal while reading
B. Character analysis
C. Identification & analysis of plot/conflict
D. Examination of basic elements of a good story
E. Exploration of short stories with different themes
1. Death
2. Family
3. Wealth
4. Aqeedah
5. Tawbah
F. Poetry
1. Types
2. Terms
G. Setting analysis
H. Literary terms
III. Textbooks
A. Required Texts
1. If I Should Speak by Umm Zakiyya
2. A Collection of Short Stories and Poems compiled by Rasheedah Abdul-Hakeem
3. The Jinn Possession of Izzan by Bilal Philips and Halimah Jordan
B. Resourceful website
to be updated soon