International Open University




Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Though this course is open to all who have done Research Methodology 101, it is recommended to take at least 42 core Bachelor courses before enrolling for the Thesis in order to have sufficient knowledge to complete a proper thesis.

Is the thesis paper similar to the assignments we did in previous courses?

An undergraduate thesis has both similarity and difference with the assignments you did in the undergraduate courses. The two forms are similar in the sense that both are characterized by a persuasive argument, judicious use of evidence, originality of thought, clarity of expression and referencing. They differ in three important ways—an undergraduate thesis is a much larger project, the students need to select the topic by themselves and it is based on original research carried out according to the standards of the discipline. Although as an undergraduate you are unlikely to make a truly original discovery, you should expect your undergraduate thesis to make, in at least a modest way, what scholars call “a contribution to the field.”
An undergraduate thesis allows you to use your accumulated skills and knowledge to study an important question, test a hypothesis, or produce something truly creative—and to do so on your own, independently. Thus, an undergraduate thesis is the ultimate, defining accomplishment of your undergraduate education.

The form and length of undergraduate theses vary greatly by discipline; recently, most traditional research-based theses have been thirty to sixty pages, but some have been longer or shorter.

The thesis supervisor will provide the students with several broad themes. Students will construct and propose a unique topic that falls within one of the provided themes. You should read widely in the fields that interest you to formulate a topic. Make sure the scope of the research is limited enough to make it manageable within the stipulated time frame.

The students need to follow the following steps:

  • Students will read the general instructions, familiarize themselves with the research theme, develop a suitable topic and submit a research proposal within one and half months of the commencement of the semester.
  • The thesis supervisor will evaluate the proposal and advise the student if the proposal is accepted or requires revision.
  • Once the proposal has been approved, the student will have 3 months to complete his or her research and submit it for grading.
  • After the submission, the thesis supervisor will have two weeks to assess the thesis and provide a date for argument defense if need be. Thesis and argument defense may be instituted to validate that no plagiarism exists in the research and that it is an original work.

Yes, you can. The details of that can be found here.

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